So you've graduated college, and you've been working for a while, but you want to do something more with your life, something to give it some purpose. The best way, or at least you've been told, is to go to business school and earn an MBA. Since you've always been interested in business, that's what you decide to pursue, the coveted MBA. There's nothing wrong with that dream in the least, but there are a lot of people striving to attain it, which does render it a little harder to get. You're able to improve your odds of being accepted by having a good MBA Recommendation letter, but by good, we don't mean having a letter written by a celebrity, such as an astronaut, cowboy, or rock star. Of course it can't hurt your application, but it can't help either. Celebrity recommendations, got in the exact same pile as all the others, and sometimes they even have to be screened for authenticity, meaning a lot more time before you get accepted into the school of your choice.
You may not know what to write, and that's expected if this is the first time you've applied to business school, so the best thing you can do is look a Sample MBA Recommendation. They're all over the internet, and all you have to do is a simple search, but if you're here then you've already been searching, so here is a decent Sample MBA Recommendation for you to model yours after:
To Whom It May Concern:
It has come to my attention that my esteemed co-worker Corporal Michael Cabot has applied for admittance into your program at the Apalucia Business School. I am writing to offer my full recommendation, for him, as I have known him for many years.
I can tell you that he does his best in every single case, no matter how minute the task is. Whether it's arming the tanks, or setting up tents, he has always done the best he can on this tour of duty, where others have faltered and lost hope.
For those who have lost hope, he has been a source of it. His leadership inspires the men around him, and teaches them to stand on their own, many wishing that they could be like him, and have his confidence. He saved a lot of lives, and even went as far as to put his own safety aside to make sure that others would live to go home and see their families once more.
I know that it was his dream to go to business school, in fact that is the precise reason he joined the armed forces, so that he could acquire the money from the G.I. Bill and make his way through college, leading the life he always wanted.
I can tell you that allowing Michael to attend your fine school would be the right decision, because not only will you get a quality individual, you'll also be accepting someone who fought for his country. There isn't a much better deal than that, and I hope that you will see it that way too.
Sgt. Mark Maddery
There you have a Sample MBA Recommendation. The one that you have written may be longer, though hopefully not shorter, and this one give you an idea of what a university looks for. Make sure your sample MBA letter tells things about you, and the things you have accomplished, and don't be afraid to boast, because everyone else will be boasting too. So good luck, and I hope you've found this Sample MBA Recommendation helpful in getting your actual MBA Recommendation written.
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