Part Time Job
by: Denise Brienne
f you are a teacher who is in need of a part time job, you are in a unique position. While your work schedule as an educator does give you quite a bit of free time to work another job, your hours are limited. You have a ton of time in the summer, but during the school year you are limited to late afternoon and evening hours. Here are some tips to use to find the perfect part time job, apply for it, and get it!
First, start looking everywhere you go for part time work. Often stores will post "part time help wanted" signs when they need someone. Even if you doubt the job will fit your schedule, inquire. Do not be afraid to check the classifieds or look online for work opportunities as well. Talk to friends and family to see if they know of any opportunities.
If you have an idea in mind about the part time job you would like, the best strategy is to apply in person. Make sure you are dressed appropriately, chances are your school wardrobe will be fine, and head to the store, restaurant, or business to request the application. Ask about openings even if you do not see a sign.
When you fill out the application, make sure you are honest about your availability and current employment as a teacher. Your potential employer needs to know exactly when you are available. If you put that you can work all night long, seven days a week, you better be prepared to be offered an overnight position. Be sure you account for your need for sleep.
If necessary, submit the application with a resume. Most part time jobs do not require a resume, but have it handy when you apply just in case. Be prepared for an on-the-spot interview. Many part time positions are open because the company needs help right away. If you can start right away, you may be offered the job on the spot, but not without an interview.
Remember, the best part time jobs for teachers are those with some measure of flexibility. Try to find a job that can open up some hours for you if you find you have a day off from your teaching position. Look for a job that can increase your hours in the summer. However, the main goal is to find a job. Once you have it, work hard, and chances are high your employer will be willing to be flexible with your schedule as you progress through your working relationship.
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