Gone are the days that accounting jobs are considered boring and dull. It seem like all you do is sit behind a desk and staring at numbers, statistics and spreadsheets. Now ever since the Enron accounting scandal the focus for accounting jobs and auditors to find accounting fraud have been in very high demand. For that reason it now looks like it's the best college major around.
Since 2005, on the top 10 list of college majors you can find accounting. I fact it was number one. But today it has fallen off the top ten list but look out. Especially now with a bad economy and all the recent company failures like Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG and more made selecting college majors like accounting a no brainer. Don't be surprised if in the future it will become number one again.
Some people when picking college majors look for the top salary positions first. Now with the big demand for accounting and the lost of jobs that is currently going on students are cashing in on this major in college.
Colleges have been recruiting hard to find more accounting teachers and professors as the older ones retire. It has not been easy since there are more accounting faculties opening up than applicants to fill them. This is why it is still one of the best college majors out there. So if you are planning to go to college and you have been struggling with finding the right major then you might want to think about becoming an accountant.
If not, then here is a list of top ten college majors that you can take a look at created by the Princeton Review.
1. Business Administration and Management: Yes, it seems like most people want to be the boss or at least a high powered executive that makes the big calls and get all the big bonuses and then screw up the company and ask the government to bail them out.
2. Psychology: With this job you can study the way humans and animals interact and how they respond to their environment. You can study their behavior and their thoughts behind it. Just be prepared to go to school for about a total of 9 to 10 years if you want your own private practice.
3. Elementary Education: It seems like people are still interested in shaping the minds of the future generation while they cry and throw up on you. Good Luck!
4. Biology: If you want to know what makes the living tick, then this is for you. But be prepared to study your butt off if you want to make it in this field.
5. Nursing: Hope you have the patience for this one. Get it! You will be tested by all types of people as you play the role of educator, mediator, listener, problem solver, comforter, and therapist as you attend to basic health needs.
6. Education: Unless you have a spouse making good money you better be prepared to have a second job. It may be rewarding to teach the next up in coming president, it will not be rewarding to you wallet. But most people who get in this field can't imagine doing anything else.
7. English: Read, write, discuss, and read some more. Who knows, maybe you can become a writer like the people who wrote the series "Caveman". Well I hope you become better than that for your sake.
8. Communications: With this job you can produce the next late night infomercial telling everybody how to make big bucks while sitting in your underwear.
9. Computer Science: Lets face facts! It's not the meek that shall inherit the earth, it's the Geek that shall inherit the earth. More computers means more computer problems and that means you will have a job for life or until the next big asteroid sends use back to the stone age.
10. Political Science: I guest since George Bush lowered the bar for all future presidents now anybody feels like they have a shot. Even Sara Palin! Not!
Well there you have it. Even though accounting is not one the top ten list anymore you can still be on your way to having a job that is in big demand. Better start picking college majors now before you have to get in line and wait behind all the future accountants.
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